Special Issues

The top three best  papers will be honored by the " IAPR Best Papers Award ", and extended versions will be recommended for possible publication in the Pattern Recognition Letters a Q1 Ranked Elsevier Journal, which has an impact factor of 4.757, indexed & listed in more than 11 leading indexes and databases includingScopus (Elsevier)DBLP, Web of Science, ACM Computing Reviews, Inspect ...etc.  



Moreover, selected authors will be invited to elaborate extention on their research topic and submit the results for review and potential publication to several International indexed jornals including but not limited to :


  • Elsevier ICV: a Q1 Ranked Elsevier Journal,  which has an impact factor of 4.7, indexed & listed in  more that 11 leading indexes and databases including: Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science, ACMInspect, Engineering Index, Science Citation Index Expanded ...etc.



  •  Elsevier Journal LSAS: a Q2 Ranked, which has an impact factor of 2.8, indexed & listed in more than 13 leading indexes and databases includingScopus (Elsevier)Web of Science,Science Citation Index Expanded.  




  • Springer Nature SN Computer Science (SNCS): Q2 Ranked,indexed & listed in mor than 20 index and databases including: Scopus (elsivier)DBLP, google Scholar, ACM , EBSCO ...etc.



  • Springer Journal MTAPa Q1 Ranked, which has an impact factor of 3.6, indexed & listed in more than 28 leading indexes and databases includingScopus (Elsevier), Web of Science,Science Citation Index Expanded...


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